Powerpoint from class: Licensure NCLEX Guidelines RN PN.pptx
RN & PN Licensure Information
Begin your application for licensure by examination after passing your ATI Exit and no more than 60 days before graduation. Check with the Office of Finance to make sure your account is paid in full. Start by registering in the state in which you will be practicing. Once you work your way through all state requirements, then register at Pearson VUE for your NCLEX. The state and Pearson VUE will issue your ATT (Authorization to Test). Then you proceed to sign up to sit for your NCLEX.
You must proceed step by step. Have patience with the process. Remember, each state requires an official letter of completion be sent by the school. Make sure you are financially cleared before starting the licensing process as we have to secure financial clearance before processing your request. Your transcripts cannot be released if you have an outstanding balance.
Ohio Board of Nursing Website: Click Here
1. Complete your application for licensure by examination in eLicense no more than 60 days before graduation. Click on the above link and open an account at OBN or sign in to your account (if your LPN is in Ohio already).
2. Forward your application number, in the correct format, to the Campus Director. Email your APP number to Campus Director: campus.director@richardmedicalacademy.com
3. Begin your criminal background check (including FBI) through Ohio BCI approximately 60 days before graduation. Select OBN as the Direct Copy Receiver on all background check forms. No paper submissions please.
4. Your letter of completion will be sent by your Program Administrator after you forward your APP Number to the Campus Director. (You must be financially cleared before documents can be sent).
5. The Ohio Board of Nursing will make you exam eligible once all required materials are received.
6. Make sure to use your legal name on your application and when registering with Pearson VUE. Next sign up at Pearson Vue see information below. Remember, your name must match how you registered at OBN exactly to receive your Authorization to Test (ATT).
7. Your ATT will come directly from Pearson VUE.
8. Sign up for the NCLEX as soon as possible after receiving your ATT.
Fees: Multistate Licensure (MSL - RN or PN) $100 + transaction fee
RN or PN (Ohio only) $75 + transaction fee
Michigan LARA Website:
How to Apply - Click here
Michigan Video how to apply: Click Here
Begin your application: Click Here
Fees: RN or LPN by Examination $208.80 (Valid for 2 years from date issue)
Reminder, Michigan has a few different requirements than Ohio.
Human Trafficking – Beginning January 6, 2022, completion of training to identify victims of human trafficking is required for initial licensure
Implicit Bias Training– Beginning June 1, 2022, completion of 2 hours of implicit bias training within the 5 years immediately preceding issuance of the license or registration is required.
All Other States: Click Here
Registering for the NCLEX is a multistep process that includes the nursing regulatory body (NRB) and Pearson VUE. Before registering, candidates should make sure they meet the requirements determined by their NRB (Ohio Board of Nursing or Michigan LARA).
When you are ready to register click here When you are ready to schedule your exam click here
NCLEX School Codes:
NCLEX Candidate Bulletin *A must read for RN and LPN students. Click Here
NCLEX Information Flyer (The 8 steps of the NCLEX, acceptable identification, rules for scheduling and rescheduling an NCLEX appointment.
NCLEX Sample Questions & Exam Preview
NCLEX Candidate Tutorial
More information is available in the Administration Bldg.